LTD «Inzernoexport» specializes in handling / storing grain cargoes and providing agency and forwarding services.
Since 2017, it is in the group of companies «JSC Olympic Holding Limited», which has its own grain warehouses and elevators, as well as facilities in the ports, purchases grain and oilseeds: wheat, barley, sunflower, corn.
In the conditions of volume increase of railway transportations, the issue of task automation on the management of transportations for getting operative information became urgent before our company:
— by wagons and cargoes;
— shippers and consignees;
— tariffs for transportation and additional services of Ukrainian railways;
— requests for freight forwarding services for cost control and actual execution;
— the condition of cars, their dislocation, technical parameters.
To solve the problems of accounting automation, we have chosen the company «Art Port», which provided the software complex «Art: Railway Logistics Ultimate».
In addition, the developers were tasked with solving the following issues:
1. Implementation of the formation mechanism of acts of works performed;
2. Optimization and adaptation of the mechanism of calculating the cost of railway transportation.
The specialists of LTD «Art Port» conducted a survey of our company’s business processes, refined and implemented a software product, conducted training and further consultations with our employees.
During the implementation of the software product «Art: Rail Logistics Ultimate» the following works were performed:
— revised calculation of the cost of cargo certification;
— the formation mechanism of acts of the performed works with a filling of the tonnage of the feasibility study, the number of PSUs and the number of services of the railway, as well as the printed form of the act have been implemented.
The mechanism for calculating the cost of rail transportation has been revised and adapted:
— implemented universal tree structure of cost items with the ability to list each article separately and the whole group at once;
— for each item the costs are calculated according to the VAT rate;
— TM card calculation has been completed — all tariff codes are analyzed, the description of the calculation is displayed taking into account the tariff hierarchy;
— calculation of services of filing/withdrawal, using, shunting works, and weighing according to the tariff guidance of the UZ is realized, when the coefficients with the refinements of the enterprise are increased.
The implementation period is 2 months
Score on 5 point scale:
— Compliance with the needs of the organization: 5
— Convenience of work with the program: 5
— Assessment of the quality of work of the SAB partner:5
Inzernoexport thanks the manager and staff of «Art Port» for quality work, professionalism, and attentive attitude. We hope to continue our cooperation in the development of a functional system for the accounting of rented and own car fleets.